Posts (page 4)

The Left Wing and the Right Wing

What if I told you the left wing and the right wing belong to the same bird

The 2022 mid-term election was less than a week ago, the dust is still settling and which party controls the chambers of congress remains uncertain. Beyond doing the requisite research necessary to fully complete and submit my ballot, I’ve tried not to follow the day-to-day drama too closely. It’s just not worth my mental health and well-being.

Regardless of the outcome, I’m grateful that election day is now in our societal rear-view-mirror (Except you, Georgia… sorry). The onslaught of political ads has slowed to a trickle as have the heated arguments, the fundraising emails, and the apathetic broadcasting their indifference in quips and memes. I’ve started to reflect on these memes and I am beginning to believe they communicate a deeper truth, and it’s probably not what the poster was intending…

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Building a Modular Monolith Part II - .Net Core & Web API

a big ball of mud

In Part I of this series we discussed the case for reconsidering the humble monolith (with some structural improvements), now we get to the work of actually implementing this architecture pattern in a .Net Core (.Net 6) Web API project. The final base solution will be published on GitHub

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Building a Modular Monolith Part I

a big ball of mud

Ask most developers these days “Which is better: Monolith or Microservices?” you will likely receive a prompt and definitive “Microservices. Hands down.” The term monolith has become a pejorative; a four-letter word in software architecture circles. The folk-wisdom criticisms are not entirely undeserved, after all there are a lot of bad monoliths out there; unmaintainable, untestable, brittle to the point of personifying a Jenga tower of code. Many (perhaps most) non-trivial monoliths in the wild today could be classified as a Big Ball of Mud. I submit that most criticisms of monolithic software architecture would be more accurately targeted at Ball of Mud architectures. A monolithic deployment granularity doesn’t necessarily presage a Ball of Mud and furthermore, adopting a distributed architecture (such as microservices) does not automatically inoculate a system against evolving into a Ball of Mud.

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Re-Decentralizing the Web and Recapturing our Data

Nimisha Asthagiri and Scott Davis on stage, speaking at xconf

This is a talk that I have been privileged to see some early drafts of its development. I’ve been eagerly awaiting the finished product. Nimisha Asthagiri joins Scott Davis to lay out the vision of Solid and Pods. It is a delightfully protopian vision, and one that is eminently in reach.

In this talk, Nimisha and Scott explore Tim Berners-Lee’s new vision for the Web – Solid and Pods – where user data is “at the beck and call of the users themselves… a future in which [web] programs work for you”. This is an alternative path where privacy and resiliency are at the heart of our system architectures. A path where the web’s pendulum swings back to decentralization. A path that leads to a fundamentally user-centric tech ecosystem.

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What is Rest

Dewey spider-web in grass

This question, it would seem, has been answered countless times on countless blogs, articles, conference talks, papers, etc. yet here I am, joining the throng to tilt at this windmill.

My understanding of REST has been evolving continuously over the past 15+ years. I continue to find new nuances, new applications, new patterns, and rediscover concepts that I once completely misunderstood. I have brilliant friends and mentors, but I’m an autodidact at heart and more often than not, they merely illuminate the path. As I’ve sought to navigate this life and the information space we call the web, I have learned being self-taught is fraught with peril.

The web is full of contradictions.

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